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The Jade Memorial Collection


The Stone of Heaven

Over 7000 years, Jade has had the most
significant role in burial and cremation ceremony

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Ultimate Reverence for your ancestors



I most enjoy making sacred art works for people in times of Ceremony.

Jade, particularly has an immense history and influence on the  Art and Culture of China. It has the glow and the strength of life, Jade has the title of the "Stone of Heaven". It has been used in Ceremony and Shamanism since the dawn of civilization.  A gemstone so profound that Confucius believes that our human virtues should aspire to Jade's inherent characteristics.< more info >

These contemporary Jade Urns here, are masterfully crafted using the finest jade, a quality  that really will last an eternity!

Green Jade resonates harmoniously with the Heart Chakra

Jade, I believe is the perfect material to enshrine the cremains of our loved ones.

Jade is the Gem Stone of British Columbia , it is the symbol of this land and the strength of it's people.


Brian Matheson

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